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A cross between Best Practices and Warehousing War Stories

Robotics & the Future of WMS

30 years ago, Best Practices for running a company with lots of inventory, meant mountains of paperwork, diligent daily updates, and insane numbers of man hours copying from one ledger to another. Today one person using a good WMS software system, can do what used to take 3 men 24 hours to do, in less than a few minutes. The good WMS system would also add in massive amounts of business intelligence not possible from the manual processes of the old days.


Today, “Best Practices” have CHANGED, but there are thousands of small and medium sized companies still struggling along with a Best Practices “playbook”, riddled with the “old ways”. Ridiculous amounts of time and money are lost with outmoded strategies for handling inventory and accounting management.

The best way to write this article, is with input from our Facebook Friends, people in real companies, the people in the trenches, the ones actually using the Best Practices of the old days, unaware of how much less time and money they could be wasting.


We are going to make this a 2 part article and FaceBook post. In this part, we are going to suggest a series of scenarios that YOU could face daily or weekly, and we will create some A, B, and C type solutions that many people are still using.

We will ask you to check the multiple choice if it applies to you, and then in the NEXT part of this article, we will cover the Best Practices of today for these daily/weekly solutions. This 2nd part will be written by experts from very successful companies of all sizes, and will deal with how they have managed to spend less time, and made far more money, utilizing what are the real BEST PRACTICES of today, along with the mandatory and affordable tools.

    Please like and Login to our Facebook page, and give us your input on the following practices:
  • Are you using spreadsheets, and if so, what for?
    • No_____
    • Yes _____ for _______________________and _________________
  • Are you using QuickBooks and a separate Inventory system?
    • No_____
    • Yes______
  • When you get a new shipment of products delivered, how do you record what came in, and decide where it goes?
    • A. it goes to a holding area, for us to go through at a later time____
    • B_____ Our warehouse crew takes the shipping list of products, and attempts to place each product where it belongs in the warehouse….and then hands in the shipping list to a manager to record to a 1.)“spreadsheet______ or 2.) inventory program. ________

Shipping & Smart Warehousing

In just the last year, hundreds of new products came out with the big push for technology and the "Internet of Things" ( IoT). You might be very surprised to hear about some of the cool new "toys" that could drastically cut the man hours currently spent by your business. Many of these are in the price range of a Smart Phone, and if you knew about such a "perfect new tool" for you, it would be a "no-brainer". So how do you find out if someone is now selling the gizmo you so desperately need?
Read on, and we'll tell you!

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Fullfillment and Order Processing.......What you might want to know more about!


Curabitur pellentesque neque eget diam posuere porta. Quisque ut nulla at nunc vehicula lacinia. Proin adipiscing porta tellus, ut feugiat nibh adipiscing sit amet. In eu justo a felis faucibus ornare vel id metus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; In eu libero ligula. Fusce eget metus lorem, ac viverra leo. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; In eu libero ligula. Fusce eget metus lorem, ac viverra leo. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci.
